Rigi2015 (18 von 19)Unser Ausflug auf den vorweihnachtlichen Rigi, der zwischen dem Vierwaldstättersee, dem Zugersee und dem Lauerzersee in der Zentralschweiz liegt,  hat uns in eine märchenhafte Bergwelt geführt und mit diesen Eindrücken wünsche euch  – Glück, Liebe und Frieden im 2016- und danke euch für eure Freundschaft.

Our excursion during the pre-Christmas period to the Rigi Mountain, which lies between the Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz, Switzerland took as to a fairy-tale like surrounding and with these impressions I would like to thank you for your friendship wishing you all HAPPINESS; LOVE AND PEACE in 2016.

La nostra passeggiata prima di Natale sulla Rigi, montagna che si trova fra il Lago dei Quattro Cantoni, Lago di Zugo e Lago di Lauerz ci ha portati in un mondo alpestre fiabesco e vorrei prendere queste immagini per ringraziarvi della vostra amicizia augurandovi FELICITÀ, AMORE E PACE  2016!

Eines meiner Videos aus dieser Region mit weiteren Angaben auf deutsch von einem früheren Jahr! One of my eralier videos of the region with written indications in German. Un mio video della regione di un altro anno con delle indicazioni scritte in tedesco.

Ein Zitat, das mich beeindruckt! A quote that touches me. Una toccante quotazione!

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Erfolg heisst eine Niederlage nach der anderen erleiden ohne die Begeisterung zu verlieren! Avere successo vuole dire subire una sconfitta dopo l’altra senza perdere l’entusiasmo!

Winston Churchill

Rigi2015 (16 von 19)

Despite the fact that I have read “The Help” around this period in 2013 it’s this book that I recommend you to read in 2016! Obwohl ich das Buch “Gute Geister” von Kathryn Stockett in dieser Jahreszeit in 2013 gelesen habe, ist es dieses Buch das ich euch für das 2016 empfehle. Malgrado il fatto che ho letto “L’aiuto” die Kathryn Stockett già in questo periodo nel 2013, è questo libro che vi conisiglio di leggere in 2016!

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I am also including the mentioned question sheet, should anybody be interested! 



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39 replies »

    • Ob in der Wüste oder in den Bergen, die Welt hat einfach viele wunderschöne Ecken, liebe Maren, solange Frieden herrscht! Ich danke dir ganz herzlich für deine Wünsche und hoffen wir auf gute Gesundheit. 🙂
      Cari saluti Martina

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy, Happy New Year, my dear Martina. Thank you for all the marvelous conversations over the past year. I have enjoyed following your amazing blog – I have learned so much. And now we enter a fresh New Year together. 2016 – Here we come; Let the adventures begin…


    • Thank you very specially for your precious friendship, dear Rebecca, for the topics we could share together and I hope that we can have more of these wonderful discussions in 2016 and that we remain in good health to do so.:):):)Let the adventures proceed…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m so very glad that you are enjoying the story. I have started watching Downton Abbey. An amazing amount of information is integrated within the narratives. A reminder that every age had complexities and challenges. Happy New Year!

        Liked by 1 person

      • You are so right that every age has its complexities and challenges and for Lady Almina her hospital and commitment for the wounded soldiers during the first World War certainly were impressive. It seems that approx. 17 million soldiers died but what shocked me even more is the fact that about 50 million people died afterwards because of the Spanish flue. The consequences of that flue were so disasterous because the peoples’ imunsystem was reduced because of the hardship just gone through. In 2016 I will try to be more aware of the luck I have to be able to leave in peace!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Mi fanno molto piacere i tuoi preziosi auguri per un anno pieno di gioia, cara Affy.Sentire la gioia:) è un bellissimo sentimento e spero che anche tu avrai tanti di questi momenti particolari nel 2016. Un abbraccio Martina

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Liebe Martina, Danke für die schönen Eindrücke! Und es liegt sogar ein bisschen Schnee!!! Wir waren gerade in Freiburg, im Schwarzwald ist alles grün 😦
    Auch ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für das neue Jahr, Glück, Gesundheit und viele neue und interessante Eindrücke und Begegnungen in 2016 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, liebe Suzy, du hast richtig gesehen; es gab ein bisschen Schnee oben auf dem Gipfel und der Himmel war tiefblau und unter uns war ein Nebelmeer.Und all dies haben wir genossen während wir im Freien zu Mittag assen! Du weisst, dass Freiburg einer meiner Lieblingsstädte ist:)
      Ganz lieben Dank für deine Wünsche. Cari saluti Martina

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Liebe Martina,
    was für schöne Bilder und Impressionen und herzlichen Dank für die Buchempfehlung. Ich wünsche ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr und grüße ganz herzlich,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Life Is A Journey,
    But My Best Wishes Are The Milestones
    That Will Give You Hope
    And Motivation To Move On.
    Am Wishing You A Joyous New Year!
    With warmth, love and blessings from MiddleMe to you and your readers.


  5. Moving story about the help, the only problem I got with its the white folks who make the money out of writing those stories, in fact Abilene Cooper, a housekeeper who once worked for Stockett’s brother, criticized the author for stealing her life story without her knowledge and basing the character Abilene on her likeness. Cooper sued Stockett for $75,000 in damages. A Hinds County, Mississippi judge dismissed the case, citing the statute of limitations. Stockett denied her claim of stealing her likeness, stating that she only met her briefly.

    The videos are very nice Martina. 🙂


    • I didn‘t know the touching story behind „The Help“ and thank you very much for having me told about it. I do, however, ask myself, whether the book would have been so successful, if the housekeeper herself had written it! It‘s certainly a question I have to think about a little bit longer. Have a very good time and many thanks for this comment🌺Martina


  6. Well think about Martina, obviously it wouldn’t, people who work as helpers, and housekeepers may have lives worth telling, but hardly you can ask them to have literary skills, or the marketing capabilities, as well.
    As it was Stockett herself was rejected by 60 literary agents, over a period of three years, imagine how difficult will had being for the help, and I am sure the book wasn’t rejected because, it was not good, but because the theme itself, she wants to reveal the truth about being a colored maid in Mississippi.
    Not what white people in America, and specially in the South want to hear.

    But she could have shared a little bit of the profits of it, she had sold seven million copies in print and audiobook editions, plus a movie deal, with the people who revealed her stories with her.

    I mean, I do not have anything against good writing, but its a little bit ironic, making so much money out of the suffering of others, and their stories , and not getting anything out of it.

    Also I ignore if the author has a fund charity, or she is using some of her wealth to help some cause, maybe she is a sister of Mercy, and I do not know about it.

    Blessings for you, dear Martina 🙂 😇


    • Thank you so much for your interesting and touching thoughts! I agree with you that she should have organized something like a fund, so that the coloured people described in this book could somehow also have taken advantages. Very best regards Martina


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